In living matter and biophysics laboratory our aim is to understand equilibrium and non-equilibrium behaviour of living soft and active matter using theoretical and computational approaches. We use a variety of different simulations techniques including Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations to explore how the cell and cellular organelles function and how cellular and biological processes are regulated by biomolecules such as proteins, self-assembled nanosturctures, active nanoparticles and polymers. Our particular focus is on passive and active remodeling of biomembranes and vesicles induced by proteins and cytoskeltal network and their role in cellular and biological processes.

Since establishing the lab in January 2021, our research is funded by the Max Planck society through Max Planck partner group abroad as well as UNAM. Since January 2020 our group has won the EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Installation Grant funded by EMBO.